
Sunday, 5 April 2020

How to make a summer smothie.

Ingredients:                                                   when done it is done                                                                              should look chunky                                                                               and alot of bits                                                                                      of ice stay safe and                                                                                enjoy                                                                                                      your smoothie.                                                                      
1 tbsp honey,
Berry Banana Chia Smoothie - Joyous Apron2 cups frozen berries,
2 cups ice,
a couple bananas,
fill it with milk till it's up to your desired
 amount not right to the top though,
need blender. 


  1. Hi Rani. That looks delicious. I can't wait to make some for me and my sister. When did you do this and have you made this before. Keep up the great work!

  2. HI Rani. the smoothie looks amazing and did you enjoy making it because it looks delicious. good job Rani

  3. Kia ora Rani, this is Aysha from waikowhai primary school that looks delicious straight away I took a screen shot, of this delicious amazing looking and obviously tasty smoothie. How did you come up with the recipe did you search it up or something else?I love the look of this and hope you have a good day and keep up the good work!bye😁😋

  4. Hi Rani its Eva from Huia. Your smoothie sounds amazing and delicious! Next time put your sentences together because it was hard to read, but apart from that it was great.
    Well done.
