All week my class and I done writing about A fox in the woods and we had to adapt on the story starter and make our writing more interesting by using descriptive words and sentences. we had to use a bit of mystery in our writing to make it more interesting for the reader.
Here is my writing:
Sneaky fox-
One cold noon a girl named Amelia was taking a walk in the forest and noticed
a sneaky little fox in the side of her eye. As the fox crawled closer Amelia heard a voice and startled and wanted to run but before she knew it she was surrounded.
As she noticed what was happening she fainted
in shock. As Amelia started to open her eyes she noticed she had been
taken to the foxes burrow. she started to realise she wasn’t
dreaming but
yet it still felt like a fantasy story. Niko the leader of the foxes was also human
but did not understand English because he was raised by the former
leader of the foxes who had found Niko when he was just a baby
crawling out of a crashed helicopter when his parents had died, the only
reason why Niko had survived was from the cushion of his mothers
body when the helicopter had crashed. Niko had many hobbies such
as knitting, and also being an amazing scavenger with those skills
he could make Amelia some new clothes.
It has been a few years now and Amelia has started
to understand what Niko is saying by his body
language and has even adapted to the fox
ways of life. Amelia is now living in the
woods with a second life in the city
5 miles away. Every morning Amelia gets
up at 3:00 in the morning and walks to her
work (The Morning cafe). One day Amelia's
fox-like senses knew that this particular
day would be different from all other days.
Later that day while Amelia was at work her
mind was starting to tell her something was
up and started to worry. By the end of her
shift she ran home as fast as she could,
when she got home she wondered were
the sneaky fox had gone as she turned
around she saw a tall figure stand up
from a crawling position, as Amelia was
in confusion she stared closer into the
figures eyes and recognized the shiny
blue sparkle that reminded her of her
childhood, as he got closer Amelia got
a burst of happiness that felt like her
lost younger brother that had died in a
car crash 12 years ago on a nearby road.
As Amelia realized she had found her
brother her heart dropped, the one sneaky fox that had started all this fantasy land. THE END. Author-Rani McConnell
this was interesting and mysteries.